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Elastic Band Aides

In person at ISV, 40 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne


Primary School Team, Teacher, Teaching Support, School Leader


An elastic band is stretchable and flexible. It can create space when needed, or close the gap when appropriate. How can we use this analogy to inform support for our students?

This presentation will be user-friendly and engaging, with a strong focus on developing student independence and well-being. It will cover the challenges an LSO may face, how to navigate student goals, working within the classroom teaching team and clarity regarding their role and boundaries. The overarching goal will be to improve LSO confidence in supporting a student’s independence and coping skills.

Learning Support staff make a significant difference to a student’s learning and coping skills at school. Investing in educating and up-skilling LSOs to be goal oriented and confident in their work, will have a flow on effect for their students. This learning event includes practical knowledge that can be applied immediately, empowering educators and supporting students.

Key takeaways

knowledge about the role and the responsibility of an LSO – managing differing opinions and expectations

further understanding of the importance of supporting a student’s independence at school

practical strategies to support independence and coping skills and managing a team approach to student support.

14 March

Level Up

3 May

Advanced Neuro-Affirming Support for LSOs/TAs