Topics often requested by schools, communities, and parents…
Themes to be considered…
Understanding and supporting anxious students.
The ‘why’, the ‘how’ and the ‘what next’ of understanding how anxiety presents in the classroom and yard, and how you make changes to your teaching practice to support these students in a practical, user-friendly manner.
Understanding and supporting your anxious child.
Anxiety doesn’t always look like anxiety and this topic is designed to assist parents in better understanding their child’s anxiety and how, as parents, they can support them.
Learning Support's Support!
LSO’s tend to be enthusiastic and engaged professionals. This training is designed to up skill LSO’s in how to support the independence and empowerment in their students.
Understanding and Supporting ADHDers in the school context
A solid combination of theory, neuro-affirming information and the ‘what nexts’ of supporting ADHDer students in schools.
Understanding and supporting autistic students.
Many educators are needing to better understand autism, the huge variation in presentations and how to apply neuro-affirming understandings to their classrooms. This is a great introduction to understanding this complex and important area.