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Neuro-Affirming Education

ISV - Neuro-Affirming Education

Delivery mode  - In person at ISV, 40 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne 

Audience   - Individual Needs Co-ordinator, Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Teacher 


Understanding and Supporting Neuro-Divergent Students, including ADHDers and autistic students.

Creating a safe educational environment for neuro-divergent students is crucial as it significantly impacts their mental health and academic outcomes. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to foster a positive learning atmosphere for these students.

Please note that while neuro-divergent individuals encompass a wide range of neuro-types, this presentation will primarily focus on the unique needs of autistic students and ADHDers.

Content Covered on the Day:

  1. Understand the significance of language and its impact on neuro-divergent students.

  2. Explore the neuro-affirming movement and its importance in education.

  3. Identify and unpack unhelpful expectations commonly found in many schools.

  4. Discover actionable changes you can implement within your school to better support neuro-diversity.

  5. Foster collaborative changes by working closely with your neuro-divergent students.

  6. Manage the competing demands of the classroom effectively.

  7. Consider beneficial modifications to the school environment, including the yard.

  8. Explore communication considerations when interacting with neuro-divergent students.

8 August

Managing and Supporting Children with Challenging/Distress Behaviour in Mainstream Schools

24 September

Supporting Anxious Students